Canceling private registration for your Godaddy domain

To cancel Private Registration, you must log in to your Domains By Proxy® (DBP) account. DBP is a separate company with its own website, and your DBP account has unique login information. DBP emailed login information to you when you purchased the service. If you cannot locate the email message, see

To Cancel Private Registration for Your Domain Names:

  1. Log in to your account at
  2. Select Private Domains, and then select the domain name(s) you want to cancel Private Registration for.
  3. Click Cancel Selected, or click (Cancel private registration). The Confirm message displays.
  4. Click OK. The Cancel DBP message displays.
  5. Click OK.

If you need further assistance or have questions about canceling your DBP account, contact

When you cancel Private Registration, your personal information, including your name, mailing address, email address, and phone number, displays publicly in the Whois database.

DBP does not refund any Private Registration fees if you cancel your service. Cancellations are irreversible.

Private registration must be cancelled before a transfer of the domain name is possible.

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