Reasons for a domain transfer to fail

Awaiting owner response/approval

This error is reported when the current registrant/owner did not approve the transfer request for your domain.
You will need to check that email address and approve the transfer. We will resend the transfer request.

Check admin email address (may be incorrect)

In order to transfer your domain, the current administrative contact must approve it. You will receive this error when the administrative contact's email listed for your domain is undeliverable/invalid.
Please update the adminstrative contact's email listed for your domain. This must be done with the current registrar. We will resend the transfer request, please check that email address and approve the transfer.

Domain is locked

Your domain transfer request will fail if your domain is currently locked.
In order to proceed, you must unlock the domain at your current registrar.

60 day waiting period

The domain must be at least 60 days past the registration date or last transfer date.
Please submit your request after the 60-day period has passed.

Expired domain

Unfortunately, your domain transfer will fail if your domain is expired. You must renew the domain with your current registrar. If you would like (mt) Media Temple to be your registrar for this domain, you will need to wait at least 60-days past the renewal date and submit your request once again.

Domain set to private

Your domain transfer request will fail if your domain is currently set to private.
In order to proceed, you must unlock the domain at your current registrar.

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